When should you be fertilising your lawn?
Spring is the perfect time to get out outside, dust off those winter cobwebs, and plan your new garden in time for summer, which often means lawn maintenance. Hopefully, in late winter or the first few days of spring, you have already aerated your lawn to regenerate any soil that has compacted over winter and to allow the sun and moisture to penetrate the roots.
As the temperature regularly starts to reach 18 degrees and above, fertilise your lawn with a slow release mild nitrate fertiliser to ensure it will be looking its best in the months to come. In late spring, once the lawn has started to re-grow, you can increase this with a higher concentration of nitrogen fertiliser to stimulate more growth and make the lawn look super green and lush. Be sure not to over-fertilise, approximately one handful (using gloves or a dispenser to administer) per square metre, and always apply it to a moist lawn and then water in immediately after.